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Russian Great Danes kennel "iz Rossiiskoi Imperii"      
great danes
iz Rossiiskoi Imperii


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Puppy for sale

Iwan vom Allertal and Amadeus & Anastasija iz Rossiiskoi Imperii

Our kennel

Puppy for sale
Our Stud Great Danes
Our coordinates

Our photoarchive

Our Great Danes
Our breeding
Our expansion
Our Memorial
Well-known Great Danes


Our Internet
Banners Exchange

Photoarchive of our kennel

For transition to page of gallery interesting you click with the left button of a mousy on his name.

Our Great Danes

The nursery "iz Rossiiskoi Imperii" represents the dogs belonging to co-owners of kennel - to G. Yarmolovich, S. Kiryanov and T. Tsynkoush. Here photos and are placed a copy of genealogical our pupils.

Descendants of our Danes

Here you can see the Great Danes who have been given birth in our kennel.

Our Great Danes in other countries

Photos of our descendants who have left on a constant residence for limits of our Native land.

Our memorial

Gallery of our grief... They were with us - one for a long time, others not so, but we remember them. And while we remember - they with us. Recollect them and you...

Great Danes in an interior and and on the nature

While in development...

The well-known Great Danes

The famous Great Danes of the World who has left a bright trace in a history of selection of breed.

Амадеус из Российской Империи - немецкий дог тигрового окраса
Vetdoctor.ru (ВСЯ ВЕТЕРИНАРИЯ)
Rambler's Top100Яндекс цитирования
Народ.Ру sam-club.nm.ru: Рейтинг портала Sam-Club

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Webmaster - Galina Yarmolovich. At use of materials of a site the reference on GajarDoggen is obligatory.

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